Here are approximate travel times to New York City from Westfield:
To Penn Station: 50-60 minutes on the train; you have to switch at Newark Penn Station during rush hour. There are non-rush hour direct trains, that run from 9:16am to 1:21pm and then again from 7:11pm to 10:25pm, so hopefully those eventually are offered during the rush hour commute as well.
Switching at Newark Penn Station to the Path Trains
To Downtown NYC: 55 minutes on the train
To Exchange Place in Jersey City: 56 minutes on the train
To Hoboken: 62 minutes on the train
The cost per month is $273 for a monthly pass to Penn Station and $237 to Downtown NYC, Jersey City and Hoboken via the Path.
*There is a transfer at Newark Penn Station for Westfield trains bound for New York. The transfer is usually about 10 minutes.
Bus Option to Port Authority: ~55 minutes on the bus (Bus #114X or 117, from Lawrence Ave & Rt 22) and another option that takes ~60 minutes (Bus #113X, from North and Elm in downtown Westfield).
Luckily, a NJ Transit monthly pass is good on both the bus and the train, so commuters can mix and match their modes of transportation depending on the traffic. So you can take the bus into the City in the morning, if traffic is lighter and then take the train home after work, if you think that’ll be a quicker commute!